Monday, May 3, 2010

Wyandotte County Kansas City Kansas Website Enhancements

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Banks, Jason <>
Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 12:36 PM
Subject: Website Enhancements

Good Afternoon,

  I am pleased to announce that the Contract Compliance Division has made a series of enhancements to our new e-Procurement site.  Thank you to everyone for your patience during Phase 1 of the implementation.  To date there have been approximately 50 new supplier registrations processed since the system implementation bringing the total # of approved suppliers to over 730. 


Please continue to encourage your members to access the site to register as registered suppliers will receive notices of bid opportunities based on their registration info.  We have also added a new section titled "Contract Compliance" at the bottom right of the home page.  This section contains links to information on the Unified Government's Supplier Diversity Program, the Wizards Stadium and Casino projects, and upcoming events relevant to business owners


Please take an opportunity to view the links and offer your feedback.  If your agency has event flyers or links to upcoming events you would like to see posted, please forward them directly to me and we will attempt to get them posted in a timely manner.  Over the next several weeks we will continue to make enhancements to this section and post additional information regarding the Contract Compliance Division.  There are direct links below to take you to the eProcurement home page and the section related to supplier registration.  Thanks again and contact me if you have any questions or comments. 


eProcurement home page -


supplier registration information -



M. Jason Banks

Manager, Contract Compliance

Unified Government of WyCo / KCK

701 N. 7th St., Suite 318

Kansas City, Kansas 66101

Office: 913-573-5439

Fax: 913-573-5444