Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Entrepreneurship After 50

Entrepreneurship After 50
What Some Baby Boomers are Doing Instead of Retire
Although the notion of a 20-something starting a web-based business in their basement is what is often thought of in terms of contemporary entrepreneurship, the reality is that the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity is among baby boomers between the ages of 55 and 64, according to a recent Kauffman Foundation Study. Fortunately, many people over 50 may be very well suited to entrepreneurship due to their experience. Emily Brandon in herUS News and World Report piece "6 Tips for Starting a Business After Age 50" identifies items for the 50 plus set to keep in mind when embarking on their entrepreneurial ventures. 

· Tap your network
· Use your experience
· Find start up funds
· Plan for longer hours
· Keep start-up costs low
· Have a backup plan