Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the State Energy Office is receiving approximately $52 million in additional funding from the Department of Energy. The funding comes through three different federal programs:
- $38,284,000 through the State Energy Program (SEP);
- $9,593,500 through Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block; and
- $3.7 million for a new Appliance Rebate Program.
New Programs Using State Energy Program (SEP) Funds
Pending approval from the U.S. Department of Energy, the State Energy Office plans to implement the following programs.
- Revolving Loan Program for Energy Efficiency ($34.2 million): This program will establish a revolving loan fund to provide a sustainable source of financing for cost-effective energy efficiency improvements in Kansas homes and small businesses.
- To ensure improvements will be cost-effective, the Revolving Loan Program requires all funded projects to be based on an audit and a customized energy conservation proposal from an approved energy auditor.
- Participants can access the Revolving Loan Program either through (1) Partner Banks or (2) Partner Utilities.
- Pending DOE approval, the new program will be available on July 15, 2009.
- Loan Fee Rebate Program ($481,000): This program will provide $250 rebates to banks to offset loan origination fees.
- Energy Audit Rebate Program ($350,000): This program will provide a $350 rebate to offset the costs of the energy audit for the first 1,000 participants who elect to implement approved projects through the Revolving Loan Program.
- Training Program ($250,000): This program will provide support to (1) qualified energy auditor training institutions for initiatives to "Train the Trainers" and enhancements to facilities, such as expanded labs for furnace testing (see grant announcement); and (2) fund up to 100 full scholarships ($1,200 to $1,500) to those attending the energy auditor training program.
- Equipment for New Auditors ($250,000): This program will assist 50 new auditors in obtaining the necessary start-up equipment (e.g, blower door, duct blaster) to start a new business and perform energy audits through the Revolving Loan Program.
- Marketing Program ($500,000): The State Energy Office will employ the services of a marketing firm to assist with the development and implementation of a strategic promotional campaign.
- Utility Rate Design – Planning for Comprehensive Changes ($1 million): The Kansas Corporation Commission will employ the services of a consultant to assist in developing and guiding a comprehensive, collaborative planning process to redesign utility rate structures to achieve new goals of energy efficiency and environmental protection.
New Programs Using Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Funds
- Renewable Energy Grant Program ($3.8 million): This program will provide grants for 25% of the cost (up to $250,000) of renewable energy projects undertaken by local units of government and educational institutions throughout the state. The State Energy Office will submit its application to DOE by June 25, 2009.
- Enhancing the existing Facility Conservation Improvement Program ($5.7 million): This program will provide enhancements to the existing Facility Conservation Improvement Program (FCIP). Program details are under development. The SEO will submit its application to DOE by June 25, 2009.
URL: http://kcc.ks.gov/energy/arra.htm
Revised Thursday, 14-May-2009 13:41:43 CDT