Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Participate in Amtrak’s nationwide projects funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

Amtrak looking for primes and subs to help it meet its 25% SBE and 10% DBE goals on ARRA projects. Please forward to potential interested firms.

Jacobs Project Management Company (Jacobs) is seeking qualified design/build firms interested in participating in Amtrak's nationwide projects funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Capital grants have been awarded to construct, renovate, repair and/or upgrade properties for Amtrak and other railroad owners throughout the United States. 

In support of Small Business (SB) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), Amtrak has set an ARRA goal to achieve via prime or subcontract opportunities, twenty-five percent with Small Businesses and ten percent with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. 

Design/Builders will be responsible for completing the design (currently at 30 percent) and to construct, renovate, repair and/or upgrade the facilities through turnover. All improvements must be completed by February 17, 2011. 

SB and DBE firms with core competency and relevant design/build experience are invited to submit to Jacobs, the first of a two tier prequalification requirement consisting of, a brief statement of their capabilities in any of the following areas; 
Security and Life Safety; 
Platform Lighting, (MA and RI only); 
Fall Protection; or, 
Track Work. 

If interested, submit a brief prequalification capability statement, including contact information, and interest as a prime or subcontractor, not to exceed 5 Megabytes, via USPS or e-mail to: 

Ms. Dorothy Thom 
Program Support Manager 
Jacobs Project Management Co. 
Three Tower Bridge 
Two Ash Street 
Conshohocken, PA 19428 

Based on this information, Jacobs will determine which firms will be included in the 2nd tier prequalification. If your company is selected, Jacobs will send you prerequisite forms for completion. Jacobs will then determine, based on the prequalification information, which firms will be invited to propose on these projects, some of which may be designated as a Small Business Set-Aside opportunity. Please note that if awarded, the Design/Builder will be required to enroll into the Jacobs Contractor Controlled Insurance Program (CCIP). 

Statements of capability from firms interested in Subcontract opportunities only will be provided to prime contractor proposors for their consideration. 

For more information on specific project opportunities, please visit Amtrak's web site at http://procurement.amtrak.com => "SB/DBE" tab.