Sunday, August 2, 2009

Regional Recovery and Reemployment Report

A lot to read, but very relevant to workforce training needs and funding opportunities to come.


"To reinforce the importance of reemployment services, the Employment and Training Administration just wrapped up a series of Regional Recovery and Reemployment Forumsthat were geared at providing timely and regionally-customized technical assistance to the system. The Forums were a follow-up to the ReemploymentWorks! Summit held January 27-29, 2009 in Baltimore.

All of the Regional Forums focused on immediate and effective implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and enhancing the effectiveness of system-wide Reemployment efforts.  Green jobs and summer youth programs also received significant attention at all Forums.

The Regional Forum Final Report was developed to provide an overview for ETA leadership and to provide ETA regional and national office staff with "actionable" data and information that can be used to continue supporting the State and local area staff who are on the front lines of recovery and reemployment efforts."

Click here to access the Final Report