Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Subcontractor & Vendor Registrations For Bid Opportunities

Schlitterbahn Vacation Village Continues To Welcome
Subcontractor & Vendor Registrations For Bid Opportunities

Although most of the jobs for the waterpark construction have already been awarded, there are plenty of opportunities for subcontractors and vendors when the focus shifts to building the rest of the resort, including the Riverwalk retail area and lodging elements. Those interested in bidding on projects at Schlitterbahn Vacation Village are encouraged to register with Schlitterbahn in order to receive bid op­portunities. Once an organization registers, they are added to the distribution list for bid opportunities as they be come available. Organizations must register to receive bid opportunities from  Schlitter­bahn. Please relay this information to interested parties.


If you are interested in bidding on a construction job, you must register with us in order to be consid­ered. To register, you must complete our short online form and the downloadable Subcontractor & Vendor Registration Form on our Web site.

· Go to schlittterbahn.com, click on Kansas City, click on Construction, click on Registration.
· Click on Subcontractor Inquiries and fill out the short online form and Submit.
· Download the Subcontractor & Vendor Registration Form, complete the form, and email it to
SVVSubcontractor@schlitterbahn.com, fax it to us at 913.312.3199, or mail it to 9400 State Ave­nue, Kansas City, Kansas 66112.
· We will contact you to bid on projects as the become available.

Please email all subcontractor inquiries to SVVSubcontractor@schlitterbahn.com or call 913.312.3102.

If you are a vendor interested in providing supplies or services for the waterpark, you must register with us in order to be considered. To register, you must complete our short online form and the downloadable Subcontractor & Vendor Registration Form on our Web site. 

· Go to schlittterbahn.com, click on Kansas City, click on Construction, click on Registration.
· Click on Vendor Inquiries and fill out the short online form and Submit.
· Download the Subcontractor & Vendor Registration Form, complete the form, and email it to
SVVVendor@schlitterbahn.com, fax it to us at 913.334.5206, or mail it to 1709 N. 98th Street, Kan­sas City, Kansas 66111.
· We will contact you to bid on items as needed.
Please email all other vendor inquiries to
SVVVendor@schlitterbahn.com or call 913.334.5200